Wednesday, October 24, 2012

We made it!

25 hours straight in airports and airplanes, but we have made it!

Arrived in Chongqing on schedule at midnight, got the luggage fast and we were at the hotel shortly after 1am.

It's now 1:30 am, we are making Amelia some porridge as she just asked us 'when is supper?' Are 12 hour time changes fun or what??

Sent from my ASUS Pad


  1. We're glad you made it!! You must be so anxious to meet little Zoe. Your itinerary looks like you'll be kept busy until then! Thinking of you...
    Stacy, Rachel & Sharon

  2. We told Grandma that you made it safely! My mom said she was very relieved and excited.


  3. Also glad to hear you guys made it safe and sound,it will be along wait till Sunday, but it will be worth it, take care...
